Aziz-Galal’s statement
The Agence France-Presse also presents a firsthand account of the pig farmers’ views by interviewing Ayman Saed, a Batn el-Baqar resident whose entire herd of livestock was confiscated by the Egyptian government since the enacting of the cull. Saed conveyed to the Agence France-Presse that he had received absolutely nothing in return for his confiscated livestock although the government said that the farmers would be adequately compensated. It is his statement that the government health officials did not give him anything, but instead, the “riot police came and government workers came and took the pigs.
We went with them to the slaughterhouse, and they said take the carcasses. I left everything there because I didn't know what to do with them,” he said, having lost thirty animals to the cull enforced raid. They present the contrast between what the government has promised and what is actually taking place within the controversial cull, stating that in the weeks since the slaughtering began earlier this month many of the poor pig farmers who have lost their livestock have complained that they have not received the just compensation promised to them.
According to the Egyptian Agriculture Ministry’s Head of Infectious Disease Saber Abdel Aziz-Galal’s statement in the periodical earlier this month, the pigs will be culled good credit score rating, “tested for disease and their meat stored in freezers, for their owners to sell. ” It was also Aziz-Galal’s statement that the farmers would also receive some compensation “between 100 and 150 pounds (26 dollars), on top of the meat”.
The Agence France-Presse later quotes Aziz-Galal as stating that the Egyptian government would “build new farms in special areas, like in Europe,” and that “within two years the pigs will return. ” There has been no regard given to how the pig farmers and their families are supposed to eat and make a living between now and the promised return of their meat, and if there was, that information must not have fit the AFP’s editorial angle. In keeping with the themes of the other newspapers the Deutsche Press-Agentur also presents a bit of information on the religious aspect of the culls.
The spin placed on the religious aspect of the cull by them is done from a financial standpoint in reporting that some of the Coptic Christian pig farmers have set forth a plea to their Pope Shenouda to please intercede on their behalf against the Egyptian government that they may in some way go about the collection of compensation for the loss of their livestock, be it from the government, or from the church if that be possible. In recalling the compensation awarded the owners of livestock in previous culls, it is the Pope’s hope that the government will justly compensate the pig farmers as well.
Seeing no resolution in sight, the pig farmers have begun rebelling against the cull, pelting the police and health officials with stones when they came to execute the orders of the cull. The Pope has as yet refused assistance desiring not to become involved in what may very well be a political dispute. Still hoping against hope the Deutsche Press-Agentur reports that the farmers remain faithful to the ideas of their Pope in the face of the governments failed promises.
They are the only newspaper to report the cull resistance efforts as being temporary, by portraying the angle as if the pig farmers are resisting the execution of the cull in attempts to temporarily hold the government off. They report that it is the belief of the farmers that the efforts of the government to confiscate their livestock will soon come to an end. Each newspaper put their spin on the issue to reflect the issues taking place within their own nation.
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